Pinnacle Institute is approved with multiple organizations in New Mexico that assist in tuition cost coverage.
Department of Workforce Solutions
(Low income, receive state benefits TANF, food stamps, etc.)
226 S. Alameda
Las Cruces, NM 88005
(575) 524-6250
WIOA Adult/Dislocated Worker Program
322 E. Oak St.
Deming, NM 88030
(575) 546-0192
New Mexico Workforce Connection – Eastern Area
(Those receiving Unemployment recently divorced, Food stamps, etc.)
Eastern New Mexico University
Ruidoso and Alamogordo
111 N. Main Street
Clovis, NM 88101
575-762-4571 Ext. 1108
MET, Inc
(Farm workers current or previous and families)
322 E. Oaks St.
Deming, NM 88030
(575) 546-0192
Las Cruces location contacts:
832-318-5850 or 832-318-5875
YDI Partnering with families
(Age 18-24 General funding call to check if available)
3411 Candelaria Rd. NE, Suite J
Albuquerque, NM 87107
Dona Ana County
Ofelia Holguin: Associate Director
[email protected]
3381 Del Rey Blvd.
Las Cruces, NM 88012
Office (575) 524-6135 ext 36640
(Individuals with disabilities and exploring options of careers)
Families & Youth Innovations Plus (FYI+)
General funding for all individuals
1320 S. Solano Drive
Las Cruces, NM 88001
About FYI+